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Kappa Pi Alpha Community Values

Our crest and name remind us of our identity as beloved sons and daughters and our calling in his Kingdom


ΚPΑ - House of the Father’s Love


- Dwelling Place of


- the Father’s


- Love


KPA Crest Logo


- Discover and Prepare for your God-given calling


- Using your gifts in a life of Service


- To bring the Hope of God’s Kingdom to the dark places of the world

Core Community Values

We Believe

We believe in the Scriptures, that Jesus is God made flesh, and that salvation is offered in His name by His sacrifice and resurrection to those who believe. We believe that the kingdom of God has come near and that God calls all people to repent and believe.


Christian community only flourishes when Jesus is central to our lives and relationships. As a spiritual community that is pursuing the depth of God’s love and the “riches of his grace” in Christ Jesus, residents are encouraged to participate, lead, and initiate gatherings for worship, prayer, and Bible reading. These practices, both in solitude and in community, have always been present in the life of the people of God, and it’s through them that God delights to work in us his good will by his Holy Spirit, especially unto love.


We Love

We are a community of believers, united by the Holy Spirit, knit together in love. The love that God has made real in Jesus’ life and death now stirs us to love and good works to all people, especially to those in family of faith (Gal 6:10).


Through practical commitments to chores, weekly family dinner, house communication, and conflict-resolution, we create a community that embodies the love of God.


We Serve

We serve together as a house because God saved us from our sin and saved us to a calling. Christian service is cruciform (cross-shaped) and holistic (complete).

Cruciform service means we hear Jesus’ call to take up our cross and follow him, looking to his example of self-sacrifice and taking others' burdens upon himself.

Holistic service means that we let God’s word open our eyes to every aspect of human need and suffering: physical, emotional, economic, social-political, relational, and spiritual (not an exhaustive list).


Through partnering with other ministries and programs, KPA aims to give residents experience serving the poor and marginalized, and to introduce residents to Christian practitioners who have years (often decades) of experience following God in a variety of ways. Through service and learning opportunities, we pray that God will shape our hearts to care for the poor like he does and shape our imagination to dream up ways our callings might be connect with the needs of the world.



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